Datalife Engine is multi-user Content Management System, using the combination of AJAX technology and a cross-browser javascript library (jQuery) which has a lot of features. The engine is intended primarily for the Blogs and News Contents websites with great information content. However, it has a lot of settings that allow you to use it for virtually any purposes. The engine can be integrated into virtually any existing design and has no restrictions on the templates customizations itself. Another key feature of DataLife Engine - is a low load on system resources. Even with a very large contents and visitors website, the server loading will be minimal and you will not experience any problems with the connectivity or mapping and query the contents and information. The engine is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that lead or bring visitors and web surfers to your site (or higher ranked on the search results page) and and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. As mentioned earlier Datalife Engine is Using AJAX advanced technology which will allow you not only to save you on server traffic and resources and traffic of visitors, but also reduces the load on the server.
What's New in 9.6
Added a brand new image and files upload. The new poup has a large number of features differences from the old one, so here are the list of features:
- New file uploader uses pop-ups, based on the JQuery UI, making it fully integrated into the template design, and its layout or style is completely configurable in the CSS of your template.
- Files uploading is fully using AJAX technology, for example, upload files to the server in the background without reloading pages.
- A new popup uploader is written to support HTML5 standard browser, respectively, fully support this standard has several advantages: The ability to select multiple files to upload at the same time, as well as support Drag and Drop technology, i.e. you can simply use mouse move the selected files in the upload windows area and upload process will start automatically. Full support for this technology right now is only supported for two browsers: Firefox and Chrome.
- We also integrated a previous flash uploader, designed for mass simultaneous or bulk file uploads in all browsers. However, it have been designed for better and user friendly for upload popup to the user in case of error uploading the file, instead of display the the error in regular page which will cause the upload error or failed with clear and easy to understand the error message for the cause of error uploading.
- After uploaded the images to the server, all the uploaded images are displayed in a preview of uploaded images, and you can see what kind of image you select and insert to your articles.
- Before you add the uploaded image in the news, you can specify a description of the image (for alt tag), the image alignment, as well as how to insert an image in the original or thumb (resized) images of your choice.
Added a new WYSIWYG editor for add news and static pages. The features of the new editor are following:
- lighter weight editor which will result of a fast-loading editor in your browser.
- A simple and beautiful user interface editor which makes it easy to use for inexperienced user
- Improve and easy for images insert, lets you add various effects to an image without knowledge of HTML.
- Built-in and support "Google Font" allows you to use different fonts on your site.
- Built-in and support "Youtube" allows youto find and embed video directly into the editor without visiting the Youtube website.
- Easy to edit and modify source code in HTML mode.
Added partial support of Secure iframe HTML tags. Support has been implemented in order to be able to insert some data from services that do not support the except by other iframe API, for example, inserting VKontakte video, now the video can be inserted into the news by simply copying the code in the editor. Since the iframe tag is not a secure tag. The tag code is limited only for safe domains in the list of permitted safe domains. Currently supported domains,, If you know what or services which are also used by inserting iframe code, then let us know at the forum in related topic, these domains will also be added to the list of allowed sites or safe domains.
Added support upload images and files for articles in "Quick Edit" mode.
When add and edit news in Admin CP, added support for select the article to be indexed or or not indexed by search engines. The option is available only for administrators and editors usergroup.
Added support option to specify the static pages are allowed or disallowed to index for search engines.
Completely rewritten the function of the related news module for viewing the full news. With this new function will significantly increase in the speed of this module, and significantly reduce the server load from the operation of the module. In order to ensure this new function performs full-text search for news only once during the first viewing news, after that the found data on the news are stored in the database, and when visit that news later it will be using a very fast database queries on the specific news ID.
In Admin CP added support rebuild the cache for related news after new articles added. Thus, if you want to reset the cache of old news so that they will recognize the new links to related news which were added later, you can reset the cache at any time and related news will be found again./li>
Significantly improve the performance for news rating system ratings with a large volume of news, the rating was placed in a separate table lighter, which significantly increases the speed of the MySQL database for query the news rating by user.
Significantly increased the speed of the counter to display news for sites with large amounts of news, as if it is enabled caching and cache when you disable the counter.
More...translating...Just give me headache to translate Russian to English by machine and then I have to translate the machine language to human language...any one can do better in translation which make human sense than me...please help me out....!
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